I needed to create some HTML from F#. I wanted something where the F# looked something the the results, and I didn’t have any need for anything other than the basics (tags, attributes, text contents).
I had seen a few posts talking about the question mark operator and hadn’t used it yet. It seemed like the obvious candidate – it means you can put tags into code without writing a whole lot of support for each and every tag name you’re going to need.
What I ended up with is syntax that looks like this:
let h = com.restphone.Qml.Builder()
let exampleWithATable =
let a =
h?table <- [
h?tr <- [
h?td <- "one"
h?td <- "two"
printExample "a table" a
// a table
// -----
// <table>
// <tr>
// <td>one</td>
// <td>two</td>
// </tr>
// <tr />
// </table>
The elements after the question marks are just turned into strings then passed to a function that turns them into nodes in the HTML tree. Nesting nodes uses the <- operator followed by a list of items that can be:
- Strings get turned into content
- Two-element tuples are turned into key-value attributes
- Nodes (using the same h?sometag syntax)
I like the way the syntax ends up looking quite a bit like the HTML it’s producing as the final output.
A couple more examples:
let exampleWithAttributes =
let a1 =
h?ol <- [
h?li <- [
"class", "formattedList" // Two-element tuples are attributes
"something", "something & else"
{name = "class"; value = "listItemStyle"} // Or you can use an actual Attribute object
"this should have escapes: & < >" // content will be escaped
h?li <- "second"
printExample "list items with content and attributes" a1
// list items with content and attributes
// -----
// <ol>
// <li class="formattedList" something="something & else" class="listItemStyle">this should have escapes: & < ></li>
// <li>second</li>
// </ol>
let exampleWithASpanInContent =
let b =
h?foo <- [
"content text"
h?span <- "something in a span"
"more text"
printExample "content containing a span" b
// content containing a span
// -----
// <foo>content text<span>something in a span</span>more text</foo>
And here’s the code:
namespace com.restphone.Qml
open System.Xml
// Name-value pairs
type Attribute =
{name: string;
value: string}
type Element =
{tag: string; // The html tag; table, p, etc
attributes: Attribute list;
children: Node list}
and Node =
| Element of Element
| Content of string
type Builder() =
static let emptyAttribute = {name = ""; value = ""}
static let tupleToAttribute (t: System.Tuple<string, string>) =
{emptyAttribute with name = t.Item1; value = t.Item2}
static let builder(builder, tag, things: obj list) =
let rec appendThings (element: Element) (xs: obj list) =
match xs with
| (:? Element as nextElement)::t -> appendThings {element with children = (List.append element.children [Element nextElement])} t
| (:? string as content)::t -> appendThings {element with children = (List.append element.children [Content content])} t
| (:? List<Attribute> as attrs)::t -> appendThings {element with attributes = List.append element.attributes attrs} t
| (:? Attribute as attr)::t -> appendThings element ([attr] :> obj::t)
| (:? System.Tuple<string, string> as p)::t -> appendThings element ((tupleToAttribute p) :> obj::t)
| [] -> element
| x -> element
appendThings ((?) builder tag) things
static let printAttribute (x: System.Xml.XmlWriter) (attr: Attribute) =
x.WriteAttributeString(attr.name, attr.value)
static let printAttributes x attrs =
List.iter (printAttribute x) attrs
static let rec printContent (x: System.Xml.XmlWriter) s =
x.WriteString s
static let rec printElements x e =
let pe = function
| Content c -> printContent x c
| Element el -> printElement x el
List.iter pe e
printElement (x: System.Xml.XmlWriter) e =
x.WriteStartElement e.tag
printAttributes x e.attributes
printElements x e.children
x.WriteEndElement ()
static member (?) (a: Builder, tag) =
{tag = tag; attributes = []; children = []}
static member (?<-) (a: Builder, tag, things: obj list) = builder(a, tag, things)
static member (?<-) (a: Builder, tag, content: string) = builder(a, tag, [content])
static member (?<-) (a: Builder, tag, attributePair: string * string) = builder(a, tag, [attributePair])
static member (?<-) (a: Builder, tag, attr: Attribute) = builder(a, tag, [attr])
static member (?<-) (a: Builder, tag, e: Element) = builder(a, tag, [e])
static member write elements x =
Seq.iter (printElement x) elements
static member ElementSeqToString (h: Element seq) =
let sw = new System.IO.StringWriter()
let xtw = new XmlTextWriter(sw)
xtw.Formatting <- Formatting.Indented
Builder.write h xtw |> ignore
static member ElementToString (h: Element) =
Builder.ElementSeqToString [h]