If you want to use Twinkle on the same machine as your asterisk instance, you'll need to change the SIP port that Twinkle uses.
Assuming asterisk is up an running, you'll get this error message when you start Twinkle:
Failed to create a UDP socket (SIP) on port 5060
Address already in use
Hit "System Settings" on this screen:

And then choose network:

Change the SIP port to 5061 and it'll start up and connect to your local asterisk instance.
Thanks a lot!! You save me!!
Saved me too ;)
I tried this and i am getting registration failed:403 Forbidden
registration failed 403 Forbidden ... after changing port number to 5061
Forbidden sounds like you're talking, at least. Are you sure the rest of your configuration is working?
I have the asterisk and Twinkle running on the same machine. I can send you my config spec. and also sip.conf/extension.conf
This is probably a late post but a possible solution to gmak's problem is to execute asterisk -vvvvc.
Current versions of twinkle don't even have a "Network" section in the user profile any more.
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